Solar For Growers
Call Us: 1-707-880-5552
We are dedicated to easing energy costs of California's hardworking cannabis growers by offering low-cost solutions to solar power. We have saved California based farms thousands of dollars to date, and we will continue to work hard to save even more for all Colifornia based cannabis growers!
We are offering a FREE analysis of your solar needs, as well as low to ZERO switching costs!
Fill out the form below to take advantage of these limited time offers!
Low Cost
With dozens of promotions as well as tax credits, there has never been a better time to go solar.
It is no secret that cannabis farms require massive amounts of energy. Why not ease both your wallet and the planet.
Contact Us Today
Get in touch with us to learn how you can take advatage of our FREE analysis of your solar needs today! ($250 Value!)
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